Rent a partyboat in Amsterdam

Partyboot Amsterdam? Alle partyboten van Amsterdam vindt u direct op deze pagina. Van kleine tot erg grote feesten, wij vinden voor iedere party in Amsterdam de geschikte boot! Omdat u direct bij de schipper reserveert en betaalt, heeft u altijd de beste prijs. Zoekt u geen partyboot, dan vindt u hier alle boten in Amsterdam.

Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Wapen van Amsterdam

Partyship Wapen van Amsterdam

175 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 125 / Sitting dinner: 100
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Kapitein Anna

Partyship Kapitein Anna

325 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 0
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Prins van Oranje

Partyship Prins van Oranje

500 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 325 / Sitting dinner: 300
Boot huren Rotterdam. Partyboot Majesteit

Partyship Majesteit

600 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Rotterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 500
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Staets

Partyship Staets

80 persons can sail on this boat

Two new and identical tourbouts are available in Amsterdam, both named Staets. These boats have a modern look both from the inside and outside. Moreover, due to an electrical propulsion, you can enjoy your boat trip without loud noises. These boats are 'green' as well,...

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 0
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Boot II

Partyship Boot II

100 persons can sail on this boat

Are looking you for a unique location, dinner for your wedding? BOOT II is a totally new and refreshing party boat. No nurdie table mats, artificial flowers and grumpy looking waiters in black tuxedo pants! But a fresh, modern and cozy partyschip with a capacity of 100...

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 100 / Sitting dinner: 42
Boot huren Diemen. Partyboot Succes

Partyship Succes

150 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship. Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us. For more information please contact us.

Port: Diemen / Buffet capacity: 90 / Sitting dinner: 90
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Hydrograaf

Partyship Hydrograaf

150 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 120 / Sitting dinner: 70
Boot huren Drimmelen. Partyboot Z8
150 persons can sail on this boat

This ship has been developed from a sustainable point of view. For example, the designer has taken into account the design of the hull, the choice of electric motors, toilets with external water coils and the residual heat of engines is used to heat the ship. In the summer it...

Port: Drimmelen / Buffet capacity: 150 / Sitting dinner: 125
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Sailboa

Partyship Sailboa

180 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 120 / Sitting dinner: 100
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Boot I

Partyship Boot I

240 persons can sail on this boat

If you are looking for a unique party location, dinner occasion or a location for your wedding, then you can visit our party ship in Amsterdam: BOOT is an entirely new and refreshing party boat. no trivial tablecloths, plastic flowers and grumpy waiters in black worn tuxedo...

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 200 / Sitting dinner: 110
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Stortemelk

Partyship Stortemelk

350 persons can sail on this boat

Die Stortemelk ist das Schiff in Amsterdam, auf dem Sie eine fantastische Party oder einen Ausflug mit einer Gruppe von bis zu 250 Personen veranstalten können.

Genießen Sie den Panoramablick auf dem fantastischen, geräumigen Oberdeck beim Spielen der Live-Band oder...

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 250 / Sitting dinner: 175
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Oceandiva Futura

Partyship Oceandiva Futura

600 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 0
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot DOCKS

Partyship DOCKS

600 persons can sail on this boat

Grote ruime partyboot voor uw feest op het water!

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 600 / Sitting dinner: 400
Boot huren Rotterdam. Partyboot Ameland

Partyship Ameland

800 persons can sail on this boat

Party, Theatre and Events ship De Ameland, unique with its theater of 5 meters high. 3 decks and 5 different areas. Previously ferry on the flats, but the unique location for corporate events, staff parties, dinner shows , fairs , theater performances and tours

Port: Rotterdam / Buffet capacity: 500 / Sitting dinner: 500
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Oceandiva Original

Partyship Oceandiva Original

1 500 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 0
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Margaretha

Partyship Margaretha

40 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 35 / Sitting dinner: 25
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Boot V

Partyship Boot V

75 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 21
Boot huren Aalsmeer. Partyboot Het Partyschip

Partyship Het Partyschip

110 persons can sail on this boat

The party boat is a cozy ship suitable for groups between 10 - 15 to 80 - 90 people. There are two outside decks (front & rear) and two decks inside (up and down the Salon). In the salon you will find yourself in an old Amsterdam café. There is a dance floor on board and...

Port: Aalsmeer / Buffet capacity: 85 / Sitting dinner: 65
Boot huren Zaandam. Partyboot Elly Glasius

Partyship Elly Glasius

154 persons can sail on this boat

The flagship of the fleet is this multi-purpose spacious vessel Ms Elly Glasius. Extremely suitable for private and business use. We have the right attributes in house for all occasions including business presentations with all technical aspects but also for an atmospheric...

Port: Zaandam / Buffet capacity: 90 / Sitting dinner: 80
Boot huren Amsterdam. Partyboot Pure-liner 2

Partyship Pure-liner 2

600 persons can sail on this boat

Do you want to hire this boat? An English translation of the details of this ship will follow later. For more information please contact us.

Port: Amsterdam / Buffet capacity: 0 / Sitting dinner: 0

Partyboot Amsterdam voor de echte feestvierder

Een bezoek aan Amsterdam is een feest op zich. Met zijn kleurige authentieke Amsterdamse grachten is Amsterdam bovendien een touristische trekpleister van wereldformaat. Voor de Amsterdammers zelf zijn die grachten vaak wel een bekend terrein. Het IJ en de Amstel daarentegen zijn vaargebieden die niet even druk bezocht worden. Met een partyboot zijn dit geweldige vaargebieden om te verkennen.

Feestboot Amsterdam

Met een partyboot Amsterdam uitvaren is natuurlijk in eerste instantie een feestelijke aangelegenheid. Of u nu een klassiek diner in een luxueuze omgeving wilt waarbij u drinkt uit kristallen glazen terwijl de chefkoks van Amsterdams' beste restaurant uw eten voorbereiden, of een wat ruiger feest met DJ's en een grote dansvloer waarop iedereen uit zijn dak kan gaan, alles is mogelijk met een partyboot Amsterdam. Bootnodig heeft het grootste aanbod van partyboten van Nederland en kan altijd de beste boot bij uw aanvraag vinden.

Partyboot op maat

Ieder feest is weer anders en dat weten wij als geen ander. Bootnodig heeft veel ervaring in het totstand brengen van huwelijkfeesten, optredens van bands op het water, dansfeesten met DJ's, bedrijfsfeesten, productpresentaties, en nog veel meer. Turkse bruiloften en Henna feesten komen ook steeds meer in de mode in Amsterdam en dit soort feesten zijn natuurlijk prachtig te organiseren op een boot van formaat!